April 1, 2018
Unexpected great conditions and a new favorite location
For the Powderchase in February we were looking at a difficult weather scenario. So far the season was really good, with a lot of snow and cold temperatures but just the week before we wanted to go for another adventure, it rained almost everywhere up to 2.000 hm. There was only some snow predicted for the southeast region and very cold temperatures. Therefore, we had to officially cancel our trip because we weren’t optimistic that we could deliver our powder guarantee, which we are very serious about!
But – we wouldn’t be Powderchase without a Plan B.
Checking with local guides around all the areas, we talked to Klaus, who is located in Obertauern and he promised us to find some good runs with little hiking and touring effort. As always, we let all the participants decide whether they want to join or not and one group was motivated to join us on our journey to Obertauern.
Friday was the usual warm up day and our little crew (6 participants) was cruising through Obertauern. Conditions were pretty much as expected and we found some nice runs around the resort.
Friday night Klaus joined us for dinner to speak about our plan and told us that there is more snow than he expected, if you are looking at the right regions with very little hiking effort. Considering our experience from that day we didn’t expect too much and were wondering where Klaus saw the amounts of snow he was talking about.
And oh boi did we get a nice surprise!
Saturday Klaus took us to St. Michael, where we had incredible, untracked runs above the clouds until they moved all the way up, reducing visibility.
Above the clouds – Pic: Hansi Herbig
But that didn’t matter because afterwards we simply went into the woods to find the goods, looking at more untracked fluffy snow completely to ourselves.
Goods in the woods! – Pic: Hansi Herbig
Klaus leading the way – Pic: Hansi Herbig
Oh and one thing I didn’t mention – we didn’t have to hike up 1hm! As we like to say: Low hanging fruits all around the place!
Nobody expected such a day and we felt already a little bit bad as we canceled the Powderchase, but no forecast or weather station predicted that snow. This is due to the cold temperatures during the week and Obertauern simply being special because of insufficient weather stations up there and not known to most of the Freeride Scene.
If you are thinking now – “Well that was one good day and Sunday they probably had to hike anyway” – you are as wrong as we were.
With a great powder day with no hiking in the bank, we actually were ready to hike and tour a little because we brought all the stuff, but it was again unnecessary. Sunday got almost ridiculous!
Blue bird, no other freeriders and an absolute great guide made for an even better day, but from here on I will let Hansi’s pictures speak because I’m running out of superlatives to use.
All in all: A great “alternative” Powderchase with absolute unexpected great conditions and a location we will have more often an eye on. Obertauern / Klaus, we will be back.
(Editorial note by Nick – sorry for maybe getting a bit too emotional here and there, but it was simply great!)
Bluebird, -17° and Klaus make up for a great Sunday in Katschberg – Pic: Hansi Herbig
Party Runs to the hut – Pic: Hansi Herbig
Pillows to play around with – Pic: Hansi Herbig