March 14, 2018

When the snow comes from the North there are very few places that can be better than Warth-Schröcken. So it’s with a certain regularity that you’ll see this destination show up on Powderchase trips. So far this winter has been coming on strong and there is a nice and solid foundation on the ground. However, strong winds have played around so we need to be careful moving in the terrain. We’re more than happy to enlist the services of the mountain guides from Skischule Warth once again.
Due to the weather conditions we decide to move the guiding days forward. No warm-ups, straight to riding pow-pow. This turns out to be a good decision, visibility is low. And whilst the conditions are actually VERY nice, you need someone to help you find the good lines and our guides deliver. In the evenings we walk the short stretch between the two separate hotels, and after watching the movie ‘Fargo’ on Netflix a few evenings before, we can’t help but feel stuck in the decor of a Coen Brothers film.
On Friday and Saturday the guides keep stringing together smaller lines in the terrain. We dive in somewhere next to the piste, rip some lovely turns between Elder brushes or pine trees, pop out on a piste somewhere and dive back into the powder on the other side of the piste. It’s the kind of riding that suits the terrain and snow conditions and it feels amazing!
On the final day the winds howl and all lifts are closed. Together with the guides we go up a short bit on the mountain and dig some snow pits (which are very deep due to the amount of snow), do some basic beacon searches, and get a bit more comfortable with all the avalanche equipment. When we’re cold to the bone, we straightline it to the restaurant to dive into a big Kaiserschmarr’n to wrap up a typical austrian Powderchase!

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